Scientific advisory board

The faculty’s scientific advisory board issues opinions and recommends on

– The organization and content of teaching,

– The organization of research work,

– Proposals for the research programs,

– Proposals for the creation or abolition of departments and/or courses of study and research units and laboratories,

– Proposals for the opening, renewal and/or closing of post-graduate programs and the number of positions to be filled,

– The profiles and the needs in teachers.

It is also responsible for

– Approving the post-graduation research topics and proposing the juries for their defense,

– Proposing the juries for university accreditation,

– Examining the pedagogical and scientific activity reports of the faculty which are transmitted by the dean of the faculty, together with the opinions and recommendations of the council, to the Rector.

It may be seized of any other question of a pedagogical or scientific nature which is submitted to it by the dean.

The scientific council of the faculty meets in ordinary session once every three (3) months upon convocation by its president.

It can meet in extraordinary session at the request of its president, or of two thirds (2/3) of its members, or of the dean of the faculty.